";} Metal Roofing Is Good for the Environment and Your Pocket | Race City Roofing, Charlotte / Mooresville NC
(704) 663-1550 - Residential & Commercial Roofing
Home > Roofing Installation > Metal Roofing Is Good for the Environment and Your Pocket

Old materials that are torn off during roofing replacement can cause a serious waste problem by filling up landfills and dump sites. This causes a space problem, especially in densely populated areas, and can pollute water sources due to toxic run-off.

Metal roofing is often installed over the existing roof, and as a result, significantly reduces the amount of debris that must be removed from the site and dumped.

Metal roofing can also be coated to make it reflective – reducing the heat absorbed and transmitted into the house. This helps to reduce the amount of cooling the home will need. The lower energy requirement has a further environmental benefit as well as reducing utility costs for the homeowner.