(704) 663-1550 - Residential & Commercial Roofing

Five Signs That You Need Roofing Repair

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Your roof plays a vital role in the overall safety and function of your home. It is important to periodically inspect and maintain your roof. To properly be able to inspect your roof, you should know the signs of needing roofing repair.

Five Signs That You Need Roofing Repair

Our top five that you need roofing repair are:

  1. Sagging Roof – You can visually inspect your roof for sagging spots. Begin at the bottom of your roof and then start moving upward. If you notice a sagging spot, then you likely have boards that have rotted. You will need to have this repaired as soon as possible by a roofing company.
  2. Granules – As shingles deteriorate, they start to shed granules. If you have gutters, this is the place that you will notice a buildup of these granules. Once you start seeing them, your roof will continue to break down. So, now is the right time to have your roofing repair done.
  3. Light – If you can see light coming into your attic, it is time to have your roof repaired, and fast. If light can enter your attic, then so can water. Your roof and other parts of your home can become severely damaged if this problem is left alone.
  4. Damaged Shingles – If you can visibly see damaged shingles, then it’s time to have your roof professionally inspected and repaired.
  5. Green Spots – If you can see green spots on your roof, then you likely have a problem. Green areas are usually moss growing on your roof, which means the water on your roof is not evaporating fast enough. This can lead to roof rot and other serious problems.