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The Importance of Deck Waterproofing

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Deck waterproofing is typically a concern with a wooden deck.  Being exposed to water, the sun, and changes in weather and temperature can cause your deck to look dull and weathered.  A heavy rain storm could wash away your deck’s finish and cause you to need to repair or replace your deck.  While you can’t completely prevent your deck’s exposure to the elements, waterproofing will help sustain its finish.  There are a couple tests you can perform to see if you need your deck waterproofed.

The Importance of Deck Waterproofing

  • Water Drop Test- Apply a few drops of water onto your deck.  If the water beads up, the wood is sealed.  If the drops soak into the wood, your waterproofing layer is worn out and deck waterproofing needs to be performed.
  • Tape Test– If you press a piece of tape firmly against the surface of the wood that needs to be stained, you can determine if it needs to be re-treated.  If the presence of old staining or wood fibers appears on the tape when you tear it off, it could indicate a potential moisture problem.

If it’s time to refinish or waterproof your deck, call us at Race City Roofing to come take a look at it.  We can help you avoid warping and weathering by performing deck waterproofing before there is a problem.